Glock 30274 ejector
Glock 30274 ejector

Now, there are reports it could be the extractor as well, but I figured we would go with the likely culprit, since the Ejection seemed to be an issue. I placed the order from Glockmeister and a few days later had the supposed remedy for the princely sum of $7 (plus shipping of course). After a few minutes of looking, I located the part (Glock part number 30275) which is stamped 30274. Supposedly, Glock later changed to the 30274 "Trigger housing with Ejector" assembly in the Generation 4 guns, and that remedied the brass to face issues. I looked at my Glock, and sure as shit, it has the 336 "Trigger housing with Ejector". The alleged problem ejectors, have the part number 336, and this supposedly lead to the brass to face, and erratic ejection issues. The consensus is the bulk of the problem lies with the "Trigger housing with Ejector" assembly. I believe the extractor is also to blame and I hope they look into that as well, we shall see. Now that I am having the issue, I actually started reading up on it. Just talked to glock today, mine has a 336 ejector, glock told me to send it in they have a new ejector for erratic ejection gen 3's(I'm guessing by new he means 30274, unless they have something newer I don't know about). Put in a 30274 ejector and LW extractor - actually had the LW extractor in before didnt do anything appreciable. Brass would just dribble out of the ejection port - 336 ejector, never had any stovepipes or feed issues though. After a few minutes of looking, I located the part (Glock part number 30275) which is stamped 30274. Well I have a late 'N' prefix Gen 3 Glock 17C, glock placed the date of manufacture as late 2009. Supposedly, Glock later changed to the 30274 'Trigger housing with Ejector' assembly in the Generation 4 guns, and that remedied the brass to face issues.

glock 30274 ejector

I had the new ejector installed in my G17 and it now stacks the empties in a neat group about 4 feet to my right rear, the. I looked at my Glock, and sure as shit, it has the 336 'Trigger housing with Ejector'. If you have an ejector stamped 336, Glock will replace it for free.


If you have an ejector stamped 336, Glock will replace it for free. Glock Ejector Replacement Part 30274 MaGlock Ejector Problems for the Gen 4 series seems to have been corrected by Glock’s new ejector replacement part.

glock 30274 ejector

Being a non Glocker at the time, I did not pay much attention to it. Glock Ejector Problems for the Gen 4 series seems to have been corrected by Glock’s new ejector replacement part. This ejector will fix the brass to face issue. Back when the Generation 4 Glocks first came out, I saw some people saying that they were having issues with erratic ejection, and getting brass ejected right into their face. OC Custom Polished Gen 4 Ejector (OEM equivalent to Glock 30274 ejector).

Glock 30274 ejector